OI Interview | Allison Swenson, Opera Omaha’s New General Director

(Santa Fe, NM) - We were thrilled when we heard about Allison Swenson’s move to Omaha as General Director, but a little sad, too. Allison’s been an incredible force at Santa Fe Opera for many years, and it’s been wonderful to watch her progress to leading that company’s robust and successful development arm. However, in opera as in any other business, the only way is up. So, this progression to General Director at one of the Midwest’s most important, vibrant and cutting edge small companies is absolutely in line with the professional that we’ve come to know and admire…

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Has Central City Opera Lost The Plot?

Something’s apparently rotten in the state of Colorado. We first heard about Central City Opera’s entanglement with AGMA (American Guild of Musical Artists) via the latter’s 15DEC statement on Instagram, which was shared and commented upon by a few individuals across the opera spectrum. THE JIST: Per Eden Lane’s Colorado Public Radio story: “Founded in 1932, Central City Opera is one of the oldest opera companies in the United States. Now the company is in a bitter dispute with the labor union representing its performers…

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Breaking Opera's Rules | OI Insights Q&A with Claudillea

We discovered London-based artist Claudillea Holloway by accident. Like many things these days, it started on Instagram. While scrolling through the stories of friend and tenor Elliott Paige, a video of Claudillea performing an operatic cover of The Rolling Stones’ Paint It Black appeared. Given OI’s love of all things that move the dial for opera, we literally fell out of our chair, screaming…

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Q&A with Award-winning Scenic and Costume Designer Leslie Travers

Here at Opera Innovation HQ, there’s one production of Salome by which all others are compared (and we’re not even talking about the artists on stage or in the pit, as incredible as they were). Santa Fe Opera’s 2015 production, designed by Leslie Travers and directed by Daniel Slater, happened to be my introduction to Richard Strauss’ one-act opera…

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Why Santa Fe Opera’s New Hire is Seismically Good News

(Santa Fe, NM) - On February 12th, The Santa Fe Opera announced that it had hired The Dallas Opera’s David Lomelí as its new Chief Artistic Officer, consolidating the roles previously held by Artistic Director Alexander Neef (now leading Opéra de Paris) and Director of Artistic Administration Brad Woolbright, who retired in December 2020…

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