When Henry, Klaus, Hans and Faithless Went Clubbing

Klaus Nomi was genius. Having accidentally discovered him during the pandemic, I went down the rabbit hole on this legendary, German pop-countertenor who left us in August 1983, succumbing to AIDS. Exploring his catalogue on Apple Music (recommended), we began listening to “The Cold Song,” immediately realizing we were hearing notes originally written by English Baroque composer Henry Purcell…

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Opera Innovation | No. 1 Playlist + Liner Notes

Surprise! Welcome to the Opera Innovation | No. 1 playlist + liner notes. Since we’re still about opera and the classically trained voice, we thought we’d highlight artists who’ve been on the blog or our social media channels since we launched in late Spring 2020. Some people here are friends I’ve known for a while, others I’ve only met online, and some who are sadly no longer with us but live on through their one-of-a-kind work…

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