When Henry, Klaus, Hans and Faithless Went Clubbing

(Santa Fe, NM) - Klaus Nomi was genius. Having accidentally discovered him during the pandemic, I went down the rabbit hole on this legendary, German pop-countertenor who left us in August 1983, succumbing to AIDS.

Exploring his catalogue on Apple Music (recommended), we listened to “The Cold Song,” immediately realizing we were hearing notes originally written by English Baroque composer Henry Purcell, specifically "What Power art thou, who from below..." from his opera “King Arthur.” Nomi’s interpretation above is a forever stunning and emotional performance that occurred near the end of his life.

But that wasn’t the only flash of recognition. These notes are also from the stunningly beautiful theme for Netflix’s “The Crown,” inspired by Purcell, reimagined by famed film composer Hans Zimmer.

But there’s more! Apple Music alerted me to a new remix of Zimmer’s “Crown” theme; we think his collaboration with iconic UK DJ Faithless (Insomnia, God is a DJ), is a success, paying specific, lush homage to Purcell at a quiet moment in the middle of the track.

If this progression from 1691 operatic work to electronic dance music remix isn’t innovative, we don’t know what is!

Watch below for a sample of this new remix or listen via Apple Music and Spotify.

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